Cash distributions¶
Create a new cash distribution to define the financial details of a new cash transfer.
Main steps to take¶
1. Create a new Cash distribution
By creating a new Cash distribution, you can specify the information for a new cash transfer. It is possible to create a ‘one off’ transfer or to schedule a daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly transfer. With the cash distribution you can create transfers for an individual or for a group.
Click on
Create cash distribution
Fill in the required information
Set the transfer date: the date on which the transfer is due. In case you want to schedule multiple payments, the transfer date will be the start date
Define the frequency of the transfer: one off, daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly
Define the total number of transfers: for example, 6 monthly payments
An example of a cash distribution for a monthly transfer for six months
2. Assign cash distribution to match
To create transfers for a specific match, a cash distribution has to be assigned to a match.
3. Individual transfer
Click on the match you want to create the transfers for
Click on the
Financial information
tab -
Click on
Create transfer(s)
and select the correct cash distribution -
Click on
The transfer is created and added to the match. It can be reviewed in the transfer section below the match information
4. Group transfer
Filter and select the matches you want to create the transfer for
Click on
Mass update
Mass update -
Click on
Create transfer(s)
Click on
The transfer is now created and added to the selected matches
An example of the six transfers created, based on the example cash distribution
By clicking on a specific transfer, you can see that the data fields are automatically filled in based on the specifications set in the cash distribution
Status: the status of the transfer is automatically set to planned. Based on the financial approval flow of the NS, this status can be updated
Actual transfer date-time: this data field can be filled in with the actual date and time the transfer was executed. This can be done manually or this information can be retrieved automatically from the FSP