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Under the matches tab, you get the overview of all the matches registered in the system. A match is the combination of an affected household and a rental accommodation or host family complying with matching criteria. You can open existing matches and review the information by clicking on the match name (e.g. HH00033 – AC00018). Additionally, you can create a new match.

Main components of the form

1. Create a new match

  • Click on Create match at the top right of the page

  • Select the affected household

  • Select the accommodation

  • Fill in the required information

  • You can fill in banking details under the financial information tab. It is important to select who should receive the cash transfer (e.g. the landlord, host family or affected household)

  • You can upload supporting documents such as contracts under the supporting documents tab

  • The status of the match can be changed throughout the process (new, pending, confirmed, completed)

2. Monitoring

After the affected household moved into the accommodation, a red cross (case) worker can be assigned to the match. The case worker can keep track of the engagements with the affected household or property owner by logging the information under ‘monitoring’.

  • Click on the match you have been monitoring

  • Scroll down to the monitoring section

  • Add your monitoring information by clicking on the + icon.

  • The monitoring form appears in which you can log your monitoring information

  • All your earlier monitoring forms related to the same match are stored under the monitoring section
