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510 EspoCRM Training

Welcome to the 510 EspoCRM training! It covers access to the system, explains how to work with PAM (People Affected Management) and Rental Accommodation templates, describes the 121 platform as a payment solution, contains Customization part for more advanced users and provides recommendations for data protection.

If you are using this training module for self-study, you are advised to follow the navigation list starting with the General chapter. The Customization part is optional and is intended for experienced EspoCRM administrators willing to develop their entities further.

On the left you can find a navigation overview

How to log in, change password and language, add users, manage user roles and permissions

People Affected Management entity: individuals contact details, households information, history of communication and assisstance provided

Rental Accommodation entity: affected households information, accommodation types, matching criteria, program application, approval, making payments and monitoring

Integrated solution for making payments

How to further customize entities and build integrations with other platforms and applications

GDPR compliance, responsible data processing, EspoCRM version control and best practices

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