
OCHA Humanitarian Icons

Note: For the latest versions and more file-type and/or color-options: https://brand.unocha.org/


These icons were created by The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian affairs (OCHA).
See: https://www.unocha.org/story/iconography-part-un%E2%80%99s-humanitarian-efforts-ocha-releases-new-humanitarian-icons


The fill color is changed to adapt to use within applications created by The Netherlands Red Cross.


Click on the images to open the exact URL.

White Icon Blue Icon Name ↕️ Category ↕️
Abduction / Kidnapping Security and Incident
About UX / UI
Add UX / UI
Add Document UX / UI
Advocacy Activities / Strategy
Affected Population People
Agile Activities / Strategy
Agriculture Other Sectors
Airport Logistics
Airport Affected Damage
Airport Closed Lockdown
Airport Destroyed Damage
Airport Military Logistics
Airport Not Affected Damage
Alert UX / UI
Analysis Activities / Strategy
Arrest / Detention Security and Incident
Assault Security and Incident
Assembly Point General Infrastructure
Assessment Activities / Strategy
Attack Security and Incident
Bacteria Health
Blanket Food and Non-Food Items
Blog UX / UI
Boat Logistics
Bookmark UX / UI
Border Closed Lockdown
Border Crossing Physical Barriers
Borehole Water, Sanitation and Health
Bottled Water Food and Non-Food Items
Bridge Logistics
Bridge Affected Damage
Bridge Closed Lockdown
Bridge Destroyed Damage
Bridge Not Affected Damage
Bucket Food and Non-Food Items
Buddhist Temple General Infrastructure
Building General Infrastructure
Building Closed Lockdown
Building Facility Affected Damage
Building Facility Destroyed Damage
Building Facility Not Affected Damage
Bus Logistics
Calendar Product Type
Camp Coordination And Camp Management Clusters
Car Logistics
Carjacking Security and Incident
Case Management Health
Cash Transfer Activities / Strategy
Cell Tower Telecommunications and Technology
Chart Product Type
Chat UX / UI
Checkpoint Physical Barriers
Child Care / Child Friendly Other Sectors
Child Combatant People
Child Protection Other Sectors
Children People
Church General Infrastructure
Civil-Military Coordination Activities / Strategy
Clinic General Infrastructure
Clothing Food and Non-Food Items
Cold Wave Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Communal Latrine Water, Sanitation and Health
Community Building General Infrastructure
Community Engagement Activities / Strategy
Computer Telecommunications and Technology
Confined Security and Incident
Conflict Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Coordinated Assessment Activities / Strategy
Coordination Other Sectors
Copy UX / UI
Country General Infrastructure
Covid-19 Health
Cyclone Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Damaged / Affected Damage
Dangerous Area Security and Incident
Data Product Type
Dead People
Debris Management Socioeconomic and Development
Deployment Activities / Strategy
Destroyed Damage
Detergent Food and Non-Food Items
Diplomatic Mission General Infrastructure
Distribution Site General Infrastructure
Doctor Health
Document Product Type
Down UX / UI
Download UX / UI
Drought Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Drowned People
Early Recovery Clusters
Earthmound Physical Barriers
Earthquake Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Education Clusters
Elderly People
Email Telecommunications and Technology
Emergency Telecommunications Clusters
Environment Other Sectors
Epidemic Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Exit / Cancel UX / UI
Famine Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Favourite UX / UI
Fax Telecommunications and Technology
Ferry Logistics
Film Product Type
Filter UX / UI
Financing Activities / Strategy
Fire Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Fishery Other Sectors
Flash Flood Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Flood Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Flour Food and Non-Food Items
Folder UX / UI
Food Food and Non-Food Items
Food Security Clusters
Food Warehouse General Infrastructure
Forced Entry Security and Incident
Forced Recruitment Security and Incident
Fund Activities / Strategy
Gap Analysis Activities / Strategy
Gas Station Logistics
Gender People
Gender Based Violence Security and Incident
Go UX / UI
Government Office General Infrastructure
Group UX / UI
Handwashing Health
Harassment / Intimidation Security and Incident
Health Clusters
Health Facility General Infrastructure
Health Facility Affected Damage
Health Facility Destroyed Damage
Health Facility Not Affected Damage
Health Post General Infrastructure
Health Worker Health
Heatwave Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Heavy Rain Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Helicopter Logistics
Helipad Logistics
Help UX / UI
Hide UX / UI
Hindu Temple General Infrastructure
Hospital General Infrastructure
Hospital Bed Health
Hotel General Infrastructure
House General Infrastructure
House Affected Damage
House Burned Security and Incident
House Destroyed Damage
House Lockdown Lockdown
House Not Affected Damage
Humanitarian Access Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Humanitarian Programme Cycle Activities / Strategy
Idp / Refugee Camp Camp
Indigenous People People
Infant People
Infected Health
Infection Control Health
Information Management Activities / Strategy
Information Technology Activities / Strategy
Infrastructure General Infrastructure
Injured People
Innovation Activities / Strategy
Insect Infestation Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Internally Displaced Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Internet Telecommunications and Technology
Kitchen Set Food and Non-Food Items
Laboratory Health
Landslide / Mudslide Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Laptop Telecommunications and Technology
Latrine Cabin Water, Sanitation and Health
Leadership Activities / Strategy
Learning Activities / Strategy
Lifesaving Health
Link UX / UI
Livelihood Socioeconomic and Development
Livestock Socioeconomic and Development
Location Product Type
Location Lockdown Lockdown
Locust Infestation Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Logistics Clusters
Map Product Type
Market General Infrastructure
Market Closed Lockdown
Mask Health
Mattress Food and Non-Food Items
Medical Supply Food and Non-Food Items
Medicine Food and Non-Food Items
Meeting Activities / Strategy
Menu UX / UI
Military Gate Physical Barriers
Mine Security and Incident
Missing People
Mobile Clinic General Infrastructure
Mobile Phone Telecommunications and Technology
Monitor Telecommunications and Technology
Monitoring Activities / Strategy
More Options UX / UI
Mosque General Infrastructure
Mosquito Net Food and Non-Food Items
Multi-Cluster / Multi-Sector Other Sectors
Murder Security and Incident
National Army People
Needs Assessment Activities / Strategy
Next Item UX / UI
NGO Office General Infrastructure
Non-Food Items Food and Non-Food Items
Non-Food Items 2 Food and Non-Food Items
Not Affected Damage
Not Infected Health
Notification UX / UI
Nutrition Clusters
Observation Tower Physical Barriers
Oil Food and Non-Food Items
Oil Facility General Infrastructure
Out Of Platform UX / UI
Partnership Activities / Strategy
Pause UX / UI
Peacekeeping Force People
People In Need People
People Targeted People
People With Physical Impairments People
Permanent Camp Camp
Person 1 People
Person 2 People
Photo Product Type
Physical Closure Physical Barriers
Plastic Sheeting Food and Non-Food Items
Police Station General Infrastructure
Policy Activities / Strategy
Population Growth Socioeconomic and Development
Population Return Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Port Logistics
Port Affected Damage
Port Closed Lockdown
Port Destroyed Damage
Port Not Affected Damage
Potable Water Water, Sanitation and Health
Potable Water Source Water, Sanitation and Health
Poverty Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Power / Electricity Affected Damage
Power / Electricity Not Affected Damage
Power Electricity General Infrastructure
Power Outage Damage
Pregnant People
Preparedness Activities / Strategy
Previous Item UX / UI
Print UX / UI
Protection Clusters
Public Information Activities / Strategy
Radio Telecommunications and Technology
Rebel People
Reconstruction Socioeconomic and Development
Refugee Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Registration Camp
Relief Goods Food and Non-Food Items
Remote Support Telecommunications and Technology
Remove UX / UI
Remove Document UX / UI
Report Product Type
Reporting Activities / Strategy
Resilence Activities / Strategy
Respiratory Health
Response Activities / Strategy
Return UX / UI
Rice Food and Non-Food Items
Road Logistics
Road Affected Damage
Road Barrier Physical Barriers
Road Closed Lockdown
Road Destroyed Damage
Road Not Affected Damage
Roadblock Physical Barriers
Robbery Security and Incident
Rule Of Law And Justice Other Sectors
Rural Socioeconomic and Development
Rural Exodus Socioeconomic and Development
Safety And Security Other Sectors
Salt Food and Non-Food Items
Sanitation Water, Sanitation and Health
Sanitizer Health
Satellite Dish Telecommunications and Technology
Save UX / UI
Scale Down Operation Activities / Strategy
Scale Up Operation Activities / Strategy
School General Infrastructure
School Affected Damage
School Closed Lockdown
School Destroyed Damage
School Not Affected Damage
Search UX / UI
Search And Rescue Activities / Strategy
See UX / UI
Selected UX / UI
Services And Tools Activities / Strategy
Settings UX / UI
Sexual And Reproductive Health Activities / Strategy
Sexual Violence Security and Incident
Share UX / UI
Shelter Clusters
Ship Logistics
Shower Water, Sanitation and Health
Smartphone Telecommunications and Technology
Snow Avalanche Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Snowfall Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Soap Food and Non-Food Items
Social Distancing Health
Solid Waste Water, Sanitation and Health
Spontaneous Site Camp
Spring Water Water, Sanitation and Health
Staff Management Activities / Strategy
Stop UX / UI
Storm Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Storm Surge Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Stove Food and Non-Food Items
Submersible Pump Water, Sanitation and Health
Sugar Food and Non-Food Items
Table Product Type
Tarpaulin Food and Non-Food Items
Technological Disaster Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Temporary Camp Camp
Tent Food and Non-Food Items
Testing Health
Toilet Water, Sanitation and Health
Top Ranking Activities / Strategy
Tornado Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Trade And Market Socioeconomic and Development
Train Logistics
Training Activities / Strategy
Transition Site Camp
Trending UX / UI
Truck Logistics
Tsunami Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Tunnel Logistics
UN Compound / Office General Infrastructure
UN Vehicle Logistics
University General Infrastructure
Up UX / UI
Upload UX / UI
Urban Socioeconomic and Development
Urban / Rural Socioeconomic and Development
User UX / UI
Users UX / UI
Vaccine Food and Non-Food Items
Ventilator Health
Video Product Type
Violent Wind Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Virus Health
Volcano Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Walkie Talkie Telecommunications and Technology
Warning / Error UX / UI
Water Source Water, Sanitation and Health
Water Trucking Water, Sanitation and Health
Water, Sanitation And Hygiene Clusters
Work From Home Telecommunications and Technology
Worm Infestation Disaster / Hazards and Crises
Zip / Compressed UX / UI